Let’s look at the influencers for your campaign!

Client: FlumePay


See the creators that are excited to help you with your campaign!

Campaign: FlumePay

Adam creates valuable content around advertising and marketing. 
He can create a video about how running a business is already so hard with keeping up with new marketing techniques. However, one thing that you should have running that you saves you time and you can trust is FlumePay.

Campaign: FlumePay

Marc Russel is a financial coach, helping people understand the better ways to invest their money.

His video will be a brand promotion that is a simple and straight to the point video about using FlumePay for better organize your payments and give you more time and freedom as a business owner.

Campaign: FlumePay

Teri is a school principal turned multi-millionaire teaching other people/entrepreneurs the way to save money, investing and creating more wealth.
Her last video about “Money Tips” did well, see the video here and had a lot of engagement. She’ll create a similar video about more Money Tips for small business owners and entrepreneurs where she will highlight FlumePay.

Campaign: FlumePay

Courtney is a motivational content creator who helps others build their own personal brand. 
Courtney will create a video similar to this video here that had a lot of engagement. It would have an engaging hook such as Save Time As A Business Owner, Save Money as a Business Owner or Quit Doing This (quit doing payment processing that is slow/outdated). She’ll show FlumePay as a solution new business owners need to implement immediately.

Campaign: FlumePay

This is a bookkeeping/budgeting tip page where Chrystal is the content creator.

She’ll create a video showing an example of using FlumePay as a business owner herself and how it saves her time. She owns 7 businesses and she can show how it helps each of her businesses.

Campaign: FlumePay

Sarai creates relatable workplace content with a funny twist. She has a big fanbase with followers who are engaging and in the workforce.
Will provide concepts upon contract signing.

View her one-sheeter here.

Campaign: FlumePay

Austin creates content around social media marketing and content creation. You can see that his engaged followers are realtors and mortgage agencies, and other content creators/companies.

Austin will create a video about how being a business owner, time is his biggest asset and to have more time to do things he loves rather than spending it on menial tasks like payment processing, he uses FlumePay.

Campaign: FlumePay

Karlton is an Enrolled Agent teaching entrepeneurs tax advice. He has a great engaging following of entrepeneurs/busines owners.

Karlton has 4 topics coming up this month that he can intergrate FlumePay in. OR FlumePay can offer some topics that Karlton will approve.

See current topics:

  • How to write off a lamborghini Urus
  • 2023 Tax Deduction Updates
  • Investing with a self directed Solo 401K

Campaign: FlumePay

Charlie is an agency owner and investor, he creates content around business advice and often reacts to other influencers and their business advice. 
He can react to a random video of someone talking about payment processing and then show FlumePay as an option for business owners. 

Campaign: FlumePay

Rory K Douglas, owner of the Financial Gentleman has content around financial advice/tips. He is extremely passionate about the content he puts out.

No concept yet, but he is interested!

Campaign: FlumePay

Andrea gives is a trademark/business attourney. She gives advice to business owners about protecting their business.
Her response “Thanks so much for reaching out. I LOVE this!! I’ve actually been looking for something like this for small businesses. I get asked numerous times a week about payment suggestions, so this is perfect.”
Her concept would be answering a question she gets a lot around managing payment and promoting FlumePay.

Campaign: FlumePay

Taylor is a motivational business advisor. She creates content to inspire business owners.

She believes her audience would greatly benefit from learning about FlumePay.  Her concept would be talking about the nuances of payment processing and show how to use FlumePay.

Campaign: FlumePay

Crystal’s mission is to help small businesses and give business advice to anyone who wants to run their own business.
No concept, she’s open to doing what we’d like her to do. In her video creation, she looks up current topic trends on TikTok that might align with Flumepay and help the virality of the video.

Campaign: FlumePay

Natalie is a finance guru, creating financial advice tips including investment content.

She’s partnered with TrueBill and FundRise and more.

Her concept would be telling entrepeneurs and business owners about a way to manage their payments and keep costs low giving them more money and time to do other things, such as invest!

Campaign: FlumePay

Senia is an awesome ecommerce and marketing content creator. She motivates and inspires others and also offers coaching and has students she teaches on how to have a successful ecommerce business.

She can create a video on how to manage payments for Ecommerce businesses using Flumepay!

Campaign: FlumePay

Sho creates videos around how to get hired and gets really high engagement across all videos. 
Although he creates videos for people getting hired. He can create a video around how to stay valuable or move up in the company you’re with by introducing new ways to be efficient and new processes so the company can grow. An example can be showing your bosses/manager FlumePay!

Campaign: FlumePay

Svetlin is an entrepeneur and hopes to motivates others to build their own business and wealth.

He thinks FlumePay could be something his audience can benefit from. He can create a video similar to the videos he already creates (the same look/feel), but about how Entrepeneurs should be focusing their time on scaling their business and using platforms like FlumePay to handle their payment processes (being more efficient).